Monkey Island Wiki
Monkey Island Wiki
Puerto Pollo

Puerto Pollo

Puerto Pollo was a city on Plunder Island. It is a sister city of Vacaville.

Some notable locations included:

A fountain in the city read:

"In memory of the chickens who gave their lives during the Great Puerto Pollo Potluck Jamboree of 1621."

Puerto Pollo-otherside

other side of town

The town name is Spanish for Chicken Port, due to its population of feral chickens on the Island.

City Status[]

Plunder Island is at least considered a City by some as seen in the anthem Plunder on my Mind, in which it is referred to as such.


Bill tiller - PP sketch

Concept art by Bill Tiller

According to the CoMI Strategy Guide, during early production of the game, Puerto Pollo would be composed of 6 screens, but it was considered cumbersom to pass through screens with no interaction, so it was decited to put it all in one scrolling screen.
