Monkey Island Wiki
Tarrot card
Monkey3 - five-deaths
Monkey3 - two-deaths

Tarot cards are used by fortune tellers to read futures.

Curse of Monkey Island[]


Monkey3 - four-deaths

They are found inside the Goodsoup Hotel in Blood Island. Madame Xima, shuffles them while sitting on the lobby of the hotel. Guybrush Threepwood asks five times to hit him with a card so he can see his fortune and he gets five "Death" cards. In the Lite gameplay Xima hits the cards at once, but in the Mega-Monkey Guybrush has to ask for them 5 times.


The face-down is red and the one tarot card we can see depicts a grim reaper with the words death.

Screenshot 3
Screenshot 2

indeed the cards show the fate of Guybrush, as he had to fake his death at least twice in order to enter the Goodsoup Family Crypt.


Guybrush uses the cards to win the poker game with King André, using them as an unbeatable five of a kind.

He can also attempt to trade them to Stan, saying that with them he can "practice the mystic arts of divination at home or vacation".

Tales of Monkey Island[]

At the beginning of each episode, except for the first, the voodoo lady summaries the last chapter with the use of her tarot cards.
